
Thanks RC4, or what your name eventually is (something nice, please).

'How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.' - A. A. Milne

So we were handed heart-shaped (leaf-shaped?) post-its and told to write about RC4 a long long time ago, all the way back at the first ACHW with the full pilot batch in CAPT's SR6. It was supposed to go up on this big plastic board that would be displayed somewhere, but um that board sorta went missing haha. I've kept this photo till now.

It's been two years since I decided to stay on campus, and I've never regretted that choice. It has been an absolutely crazy, fulfilling ride - I remember the early days of trying to decide on the simplest things like college colours / house names / logo, the randomest Anything Can Happen Wednesdays, page-long letters for Salt & Pepper (HAHAHA),Vensim projects that I was terrible at, and late night talks/foood.

I remember decorating doors with chalk when the NUS wifi was down. Having my embarrassing Running Man capture caught on tape. Having more embarrassing shots caught on other videos. Rushing over for our first Open Day the day after returning from Turkey. Interviewing students instead of being interviewed. Doing first-aid and running around Singapore during FOC (Pretending I knew what I was doing, that is). More late night talks/fooood.

And I remember finally moving to our own place. Painting the B1 walls with our fingers. Trying to decorate theme rooms. Prancing around Singapore like a tourist. Sofa bathtubs in the lounge. Poster or two. Trying new things without feeling too much like an awkward blob, for which I am forever grateful. Performing even though my warbling is kindasortaverybad. Guessing the cordial flavors in the dining hall. My big head on the TV cuz of Staff Appreciation Week. Four embarrassing slumber party photos of me in polka-dotted tights in the common lounge, ick. Visiting a nursing home for SS. Getting big birthday celebrations (having the same birthday as high-profile RC4 people - cough CSC prez, Level 11 RA cough - has its perks). Giant paper clips in my hair. Grapes. Big fat CSC chop on my leg yesterday.


And now it's all wrapping up in the middle of the semester, as the clinical part of school starts and I'm posted out of NUS (and in formal wear everyday, noooo). It's been an amazing two years - the college has given me so much more than I've given it, and I wish I could have done more to contribute back. It's been a huge privilege to have been here from the start, to watch RC4 grow from the ideas of thirty students to what it is today, and meet the most talented and lovely bunch of people along the way. We are not perfect, and we still have a long way to go, but I'm couldn't be prouder to have been a part of this college. There's no place else I would have rather been.

So thanks RC4 - no matter where I go and what your name eventually is (something nice, please), I have had the time of my life. Prof Laksh, Dr Naviyn and the rest of the faculty and staff - thank you for giving me the chance to find myself, grow and become a better person. And friends - thank you for putting up with my nonsense and general unglamness (flailing legs included) and ridiculous exam dates and nice-smelling lotion (you're welcome). I'll see you when I see you x