Anatomical Variations in the Intrahepatic Venous Vasculature in Cadaveric Livers

Background of the project:

Hepatic arterial variation has been reported in approximately 20% of the normal population, with the most common variation being the right hepatic artery, the chief blood supply to the bile duct, arising from the superior mesenteric artery rather than the celiac trunk via the common hepatic artery. (Noussious et al, 2017). This has had implications on surgical preoperative planning, liver transplants and interventional radiological procedures such as transarterial chemoembolization in hepatocellular carcinoma (Khubutila et al, 2014). However, variations in hepatic venous and portal venous systems have not been so well characterized, despite their importance on the identification of the various anatomical sections of the liver. The hepatic arteries and veins lie between segments while most portal veins - except the left main - lie within them. A detailed map of the venous vasculature on top of hepatic artery anatomy thereby help to better delineate the margins of the various sections, with potential implications in diagnostic radiology and hepatobiliary surgery.

Aims and Objectives:
- To identify any variation in intrahepatic portal and hepatic veins
- Determine the prevalence of such variation in the general population
- Estimate the accuracy of locating of liver lobes using venous anatomy

Supervised by

Prof. Jose Ramon Sanudo, Anatomica y Embryologica, Universidad Complutense de Madrid and Chief Editor of the European Journal of Anatomy, and

Dr. Teresa Vazquez Osorio, Head of Centro de Donation de Cuerpos y Salas de Diseccion, Universidad Complutense de Madrid